Of the schools in the country, only 1 is an online bachelors degree in instructional design school. The only school is Saint Cloud State University. Because it is the only college, it is, by default, the cheapest online instructional design bachelors degree college in the nation. A yearly tuition of $5,862 is charged by this college. Compared to the median tuition for other online programs across the country, which is $10,368, SCSU charges relatively low tuition.
Saint Cloud State University’s tuition has increased, in recent years, by 5%. In 2009, the tuition was cheaper at $5,567 yearly.
- Bachelor of Arts in Instructional Design
- BA/Instructional Design
- Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies – Instructional Design
From these comparatively affordable/low cost online instructional design programs offering bachelors degrees at the college, approximately 13,632 students earned credentials in 2010. Between 2009 and 2011, the number of graduates has increased by approximately 232 graduates.
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