Valuable Scholarships With Upcoming Deadlines

By Staff

Many students don’t start thinking about scholarships until a little later in the school year — some don’t think about them until it’s way to late in the school year — but now is as a good a time as any to sharpen your word processor apps and get your scholarship on. According to, several scholarships have application deadlines that are coming up in the near future. So, why not take a little bit of time before the fall semester us in full swing and crank out a handful of applications. It could certainly be worth the time.

The “Tell A Friend” Scholarship Sweetstakes Application Deadline: September 30th is promoting membership to its site. Part of its promotion involves… you guessed it, a scholarship. As a member, you have free access to a customized scholarship search, detailed financial aid information, an organized college search, standardized test study guides and more. Like what you see? Spread the word about to your friends through our “Tell A Friend” Scholarship and you’ll have a chance to win money for college – $1,000 for you and $500 for one of your buddies!