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A per annum average tuition of $11,908 is charged by colleges and universities with online programs across Michigan. There has been a 17.5% increase in the average tuition over the past few years. The annual average tuition was $10,134 at these online Michigan schools in 2007.
The range of tuition at online schools in Michigan offering programs from most to least expensive is shown in the following chart:
Tuition Level | Number of Schools |
Cheapest | 8 |
Low cost | 13 |
Average cost | 9 |
Most expensive | 13 |
A yearly tuition of over $16,560 is charged by the costliest online colleges and universities. However, tuition ranging from $2,380 to $7,148 per year is charged by the cheapest schools. The lowest cost accredited online schools are located in Brimley, Dearborn, Lansing, Roscommon, and Traverse City.
- Master of Business Administration in Information Security
- Master of Science in Nursing – Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Associate of Arts and Science in Security and Information Assurance
- Master of Science in Physics
- Master of Arts in Communications – Communication Leadership
- Master of Arts in Communications – Communication Ministries
- Master of Arts in Communications – Professional Writing
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Finance
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – General
- Master of Project Management
Of all graduates from online colleges across Michigan, a reported 16% graduated from these affordable programs in 2011. This represents 48,589 of the 305,086 graduates from across Michigan. From 2006 to 2011, the number of graduates from the least costly online colleges has increased by 19,139 graduates per annum. Also, the percentage of graduates from these colleges has increased.
Tuition ranging from $7,248 to $9,600 per annum is charged by other somewhat more expensive colleges and universities. Of the 43 online colleges and universities that have programs in Michigan, 13 have tuition in this range.
Approximately 32.2% of the state’s graduates earned their degrees from these low tuition online programs in 2011. This represents 98,264 students. In 2006, which was only 5 years earlier, only 90,956 students graduated from these colleges. Thus, the number of graduates from these affordable online colleges has increased by 8%.
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Everest University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
Walden University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
Post University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
1. Bay Mills Community College | Brimley, Michigan | $2,380 | $2,380 |
2. Henry Ford Community College | Dearborn, Michigan | $3,120 | $3,240 |
3. Lansing Community College | Lansing, Michigan | $4,200 | $6,300 |
4. Kirtland Community College | Roscommon, Michigan | $4,470 | $5,520 |
5. Northwestern Michigan College | Traverse City, Michigan | $4,700 | $6,000 |
6. Grand Rapids Community College | Grand Rapids, Michigan | $4,704 | $7,032 |
7. Saginaw Valley State University | University Center, Michigan | $6,870 | $16,710 |
8. Eastern Michigan University | Ypsilanti, Michigan | $7,148 | $21,053 |
9. Northern Michigan University | Marquette, Michigan | $7,248 | $11,664 |
10. Baker College | Cadillac, Michigan | $7,380 | $7,380 |
11. Baker College | Jackson, Michigan | $7,380 | $7,380 |
12. Baker College | Owosso, Michigan | $7,380 | $7,380 |
13. Baker College | Port Huron, Michigan | $7,380 | $7,380 |
14. Baker College | Clinton Township, Michigan | $7,380 | $7,380 |
15. University of Michigan | Flint, Michigan | $7,754 | $15,508 |
16. Wayne State University | Detroit, Michigan | $7,904 | $18,104 |
17. Western Michigan University | Kalamazoo, Michigan | $8,182 | $20,070 |
18. University of Michigan | Dearborn, Michigan | $8,857 | $20,068 |
19. Oakland University | Rochester Hills, Michigan | $9,285 | $21,675 |
20. Robert B Miller College | Battle Creek, Michigan | $9,600 | $9,600 |