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The median tuition charged by colleges in the US that offer online bachelors degree in legal assisting programs is $15,660 yearly. There has been a 17.6% increase in the median tuition over the past few years. The median tuition each year was $13,320 at these online colleges and universities in 2007.
The tuition range for colleges offering online paralegal programs at the bachelors level from most to least costly is displayed in the following graph:
Tuition Level | Number of Schools |
Cheapest | 2 |
Low cost | 3 |
Average cost | 13 |
Most expensive | 3 |
The most expensive colleges that offer online bachelors degree in legal assisting programs require students to pay a yearly tuition of over $18,864. However, annual tuition charged by the cheapest schools ranges from $6,624 to $9,750. The accredited online legal assisting bachelors degree schools that are the least expensive are located in Kentucky and Ohio.
- Bachelor of Science in Paralegal
- Bachelor in Paralegal
- Bachelor of Applied Science in Paralegal
- Bachelor of Paralegal
- Paralegal (Bachelor’s)
- Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Education
- Bachelor of Arts in Paralegal Science
- Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Paralegal Studies
- BS Paralegal Studies
In 2011, of all legal assisting graduates with bachelors degrees from online colleges and universities in the nation, an estimated 31% earned credentials from these cheap programs. This represents 12,536 of the 41,050 graduates from across the country. Between 2006 and 2011, the percentage of legal assisting graduates with bachelors degrees from the lowest cost online colleges has decreased, while the number of graduates has increased by 1,334 graduates yearly.
Tuition ranging from $14,000 to $15,285 annually is charged by other somewhat more expensive online legal assisting bachelors degree colleges and universities. Roughly 3 of the 21 online schools that have bachelors degrees in legal assisting programs in the US charge tuition in this range.
In 2011, 27.3%, or 11,210 of the country’s legal assisting bachelors level graduates received their certificates from these cheap online programs. Only 2,594 students graduated from these colleges, only 5 years earlier, in 2006.
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Everest University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
Walden University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
Post University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
1. Eastern Kentucky University | Richmond, Kentucky | $6,624 | $18,144 |
2. Chancellor University | Cleveland, Ohio | $9,750 | $9,750 |
3. Calumet College of Saint Joseph | Whiting, Indiana | $14,000 | $14,000 |
4. Everest University | Orlando, Florida | $14,148 | $14,148 |
5. South University | Savannah, Georgia | $15,285 | $15,285 |
6. Minnesota School of Business | Elk River, Minnesota | $15,660 | $15,660 |
7. Minnesota School of Business | Brooklyn Center, Minnesota | $15,660 | $15,660 |
8. Minnesota School of Business | Blaine, Minnesota | $15,660 | $15,660 |
9. Broadview University | Layton, Utah | $15,660 | $15,660 |
10. Minnesota School of Business | Moorhead, Minnesota | $15,660 | $15,660 |
11. Minnesota School of Business | Shakopee, Minnesota | $15,660 | $15,660 |
12. Minnesota School of Business | Rochester, Minnesota | $15,660 | $15,660 |
13. Globe University | Woodbury, Minnesota | $15,660 | $15,660 |
14. Minnesota School of Business | Richfield, Minnesota | $15,660 | $15,660 |
15. Broadview University | Orem, Utah | $15,660 | $15,660 |
16. Minnesota School of Business | Waite Park, Minnesota | $15,660 | $15,660 |
17. Hampton University | Hampton, Virginia | $16,238 | $16,238 |
18. University of Great Falls | Great Falls, Montana | $17,856 | $17,856 |
19. Everest University | Largo, Florida | $18,864 | $18,864 |
20. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | St. Mary-Of-The-Woods, Indiana | $23,750 | $23,750 |