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The median tuition charged by colleges in the US that offer online bachelors degree in marketing programs is $10,380 yearly. The median tuition has increased, in recent years, by 11.9%. In 2007, the median tuition was $9,275 per year at these online colleges.
Below, the chart displays the tuition range for colleges offering online marketing programs at the bachelors level from highest to lowest cost:
Tuition Level | Number of Schools |
Cheapest | 24 |
Low cost | 65 |
Average cost | 29 |
Most expensive | 20 |
A yearly tuition of over $22,350 is charged by the costliest schools that offer online bachelors degree in marketing programs. On the other hand, tuition charged by the cheapest colleges ranges from $2,296 to $7,508 annually. The accredited online marketing bachelors degree schools that are the least expensive are located in Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, Texas, and Virginia.
- Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing and New Media
- Bachelor of Professional Studies in Business Administration – Sales and Marketing
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Sales and Marketing
- Bachelor of Business Administration in Fashion Marketing and Management
- Bachelor of Science in Fashion Marketing and Management
- Bachelor’s in Business Administration – Sales & Marketing
- Bachelor in Business Administration – Sales and Marketing
- Bachelor of Business Administration – Sales and Marketing
- Bachelor of Science in Management – Sales and Marketing
- Bachelor in Management – Sales and Marketing
Of all marketing graduates with bachelors degrees from online colleges across the country, approximately 29% graduated from these low tuition programs in 2011. This represents 288,014 of the 981,650 graduates in the nation. From 2006 to 2011, the number of marketing graduates with bachelors degrees from the least costly online colleges and universities has increased by 6,334 graduates each year. However, the percentage of graduates from these colleges and universities has decreased.
Other somewhat more costly online marketing bachelors degree schools charge a yearly tuition in the range of $7,793 to $11,160. Of the 138 online colleges and universities that have bachelors degrees in marketing programs in the nation, 65 have tuition in this range.
A reported 251,829 students earned their degrees and certificates from these affordable online programs in 2011. This is 26% of the nation’s marketing bachelors level graduates. The number of students graduating from these schools was only 129,714 students in 2006, which was just 5 years prior. Therefore, the number of students graduating from these cheap online colleges has increased by 94%.
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Everest University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
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Post University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
1. Florida Atlantic University | Boca Raton, Florida | $2,296 | $12,458 |
2. East Carolina University | Greenville, North Carolina | $2,881 | $14,955 |
3. University of Louisiana | Monroe, Louisiana | $3,013 | $10,302 |
4. University of Houston | Houston, Texas | $3,552 | $10,992 |
5. Texas A & M University | Texarkana, Texas | $3,608 | $11,048 |
6. Old Dominion University | Norfolk, Virginia | $3,763 | $14,155 |
7. Texas Woman’s University | Denton, Texas | $4,032 | $11,472 |
8. West Texas A & M University | Canyon, Texas | $4,070 | $11,510 |
9. University of Houston | Victoria, Texas | $4,470 | $13,770 |
10. Minot State University | Minot, North Dakota | $4,476 | $4,476 |
11. West Virginia University | Morgantown, West Virginia | $5,406 | $17,002 |
12. Mississippi State University | Mississippi State, Mississippi | $5,461 | $13,801 |
13. Metropolitan State University | St. Paul, Minnesota | $5,610 | $11,464 |
14. University of Wisconsin | Whitewater, Wisconsin | $5,857 | $13,430 |
15. Auburn University | Auburn, Alabama | $7,008 | $21,024 |
16. Columbia College | Columbia, Missouri | $7,016 | $7,016 |
17. Eastern Michigan University | Ypsilanti, Michigan | $7,148 | $21,053 |
18. Southern Illinois University | Carbondale, Illinois | $7,290 | $18,225 |
19. Baker College | Jackson, Michigan | $7,380 | $7,380 |
20. Baker College | Owosso, Michigan | $7,380 | $7,380 |