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A median tuition of $14,085 annually is charged by schools around the country offering online bachelors degree in economics programs. The median tuition per year was $6,274 at these online schools in 2007.
The tuition range for colleges offering online economics programs at the bachelors level is displayed in the following graph. Tuition is shown from the most to least costly colleges and universities.
Tuition Level | Number of Schools |
Cheapest | 5 |
Low cost | 5 |
Average cost | 12 |
Most expensive | 6 |
Tuition of more than $26,112 yearly is charged by the most expensive colleges and universities offering online bachelors degree in economics programs. The cheapest schools, however, have tuition ranging from $2,621 to $5,461 yearly. The accredited online economics bachelors degree schools that are the least expensive are located in Colorado, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Utah.
- Bachelor in Social Sciences – Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Economics
- Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration and Economics
- BA/Business Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Business Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics
- Bachelor of Applied Studies in Business Economics
- Bachelor of Business Administration – Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting – Business Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Economics and Finance
Approximately 21% of economics graduates with bachelors degrees from online schools around the US graduated from these low tuition programs in 2011. This represents 76,536 of the 366,961 graduates from across the country. From 2006 to 2011, the percentage of economics graduates with bachelors degrees from the most inexpensive online colleges has increased. Also, the number of graduates has increased by 21,229 graduates per annum.
Other somewhat more expensive cost online economics bachelors degree schools charge students tuition ranging from $5,652 to $7,793 yearly. Of the 28 online colleges and universities with bachelors degrees in economics programs in the nation, 5 offer programs with tuition in this range.
Approximately 34.4% of the nation’s economics bachelors level graduates earned their degrees from these low tuition online programs in 2011. This represents 126,086 students. Only 92,945 students graduated from these colleges and universities, a short 5 years earlier, in 2006. Therefore, the number of students graduating from these cheap online colleges has increased by 36%.
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Everest University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
Walden University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
Post University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
1. North Carolina A & T State University | Greensboro, North Carolina | $2,621 | $12,063 |
2. Georgia Southern University | Statesboro, Georgia | $3,696 | $13,272 |
3. Utah State University | Logan, Utah | $4,047 | $13,031 |
4. Colorado State University | Fort Collins, Colorado | $5,256 | $21,366 |
5. Mississippi State University | Mississippi State, Mississippi | $5,461 | $13,801 |
6. University of North Dakota | Grand Forks, North Dakota | $5,652 | $15,091 |
7. West Chester University of Pennsylvania | West Chester, Pennsylvania | $5,804 | $14,510 |
8. Kansas State University | Manhattan, Kansas | $6,672 | $17,700 |
9. Ball State University | Muncie, Indiana | $7,508 | $20,960 |
10. Arizona State University | Tempe, Arizona | $7,793 | $20,257 |
11. Washington State University | Pullman, Washington | $8,080 | $19,122 |
12. Purdue University | West Lafayette, Indiana | $8,592 | $26,144 |
13. Park University | Parkville, Missouri | $8,848 | $8,848 |
14. Strayer University | Scott Depot, West Virginia | $14,085 | $14,085 |
15. Strayer University | Tampa, Florida | $14,085 | $14,085 |
16. Strayer University | Lexington, Kentucky | $14,085 | $14,085 |
17. Strayer University | Suitland, Maryland | $14,085 | $14,085 |
18. Strayer University | Metairie, Louisiana | $14,085 | $14,085 |
19. Strayer University | Greenville, South Carolina | $14,085 | $14,085 |
20. Strayer University | Sandy, Utah | $14,085 | $14,085 |