Of the colleges in the US, only 3 are online PhD in theology colleges. These online doctorate degree program in theology colleges can also be referred to as religion and religious studies colleges. These schools charge students a median annual tuition of $11,250. The median tuition has increased by 21.6% in recent years. In 2007, the median tuition was $9,250 each year at these online schools.
A yearly tuition of about $16,792 is charged by the costliest online doctorate degree program in theology college. The cheapest school however, charges students a tuition of $4,800 per year.
- Doctor of Ministry – Pastoral Theology: Counseling
- Doctor of Ministry – Pastoral Theology: Expository Preaching
- Doctor of Ministry – Pastoral Theology: Leadership
- Doctor of Philosophy – Theology and Apologetics
- Doctor of Philosophy – Counseling – Pastoral Care and Counseling
In 2011, of all theology graduates with doctoral degrees from online colleges and universities in the country, an estimated 1% earned credentials from these most inexpensive programs at ASOT. This represents 75 of the 33,010 graduates from around the nation. From 2006 to 2011, the number of theology graduates with doctorate degree programs from the least costly programs at ASOT has increased by 340 graduates per annum. However, the percentage of graduates from these colleges has decreased.
Approximately 1.6% of the nation’s theology PhD level graduates earned their degrees from these low tuition online programs at Tennessee Temple University in 2011. This represents 530 students. Thus, the number of graduates from these low tuition online programs at TTU has increased by 100%.
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